Is It Too Late To Start a YouTube Channel?

Is it too late to start a YouTube channel? Have you missed your chance? With all the new channels starting up daily, you might feel like it’s too crowded to have any hope of success with a new channel.

However, the reality is, It’s never too late to start creating content that helps solve people’s problems and improve their lives. There is room for everyone. Yes, YouTube is becoming increasingly crowded, but every person and every business is unique. In my opinion, that means there’s no real competition. 

What do I usually suggest to my clients who are wondering if YouTube is worth it?

First, it’s important that you start as niche as possible. The more focused your target audience is, and the tighter the content categories, the higher chance you have of not facing too much competition. 

Yes, that usually means the total potential audience is smaller too, but the good news is you don’t need millions of subscribers to create positive ROI on YouTube. You could 3x your investment after 1,000 subscribers. I’ve seen it happen. 

It will never be a waste to create a video that helps someone. 

If that video doesn’t end up finding people on YouTube, it’ll find them somewhere else. Right now, you don’t get into YouTube to get millions of subscribers. Instead, you should be using it as a place for your current customers and audience to hang out and watch great videos from you. It’s also a great way to attract new people.  

When I’m talking with a new client about their chances of success on YouTube, we don’t talk about huge “million person” numbers. 

We focus on the benefit that can come to your business from just having 10k subscribers, or even 1k or 100. 

Those benefits can include educating your customers on your products, services, and niche, attracting new people, and building a sense of community. 

Just having increased visibility and a consistent content output can mean increased sales for your business, and you don’t need millions of subscribers to get there. Content marketing doesn’t always lead to large numbers of followers, but it typically leads to better customers because they have a chance to get to know you and like you. 

Video content marketing is far more than just posting on YouTube. Yes, it’s currently the most popular platform to use right now, but eventually there will be other serious competitors. 

It’s not about YouTube, it’s about you starting to create valuable video content that nurtures your audience. 

You can post those same videos on platforms like Rumble and elsewhere, but the key is that you’ve started to create.  

There’s about 51 million YouTube channels, and 25 million have between 1 and 100 subscribers. Many of those smaller accounts aren’t people who are really creating content and trying to build a channel. They just created it when they set up an account to store videos they like, and to be able to participate more. 

And if you focus on a specific category and a niche audience within that category, the competition goes down significantly. Most clients I work with on starting YouTube channels only have between 5-10 real competitors discussing the same content to the same audience. 

There are so many topics that haven’t been thoroughly explored yet

If you have good advice you can share with people on something, or experience in an area and you’ve achieved results from that experience, it never hurts to try.
By the way, putting up a couple of videos isn't trying. You need to be creating videos for a good year before you decide if it’s working or not. 

Then, at the end of that year, if you have a few hundred subscribers and they’re starting to comment or you’re seeing an increase in subscriber rates and views, then you know you’re on the right track and it’s worth continuing. You can keep it really cheap to start by using your phone and very little editing. 

Whether it’s too late to start a YouTube channel comes down to a life principle: It’s never too late to start anything. 

There’s room for EVERYONE to succeed at what they want. Too many people have fallen prey to the scarcity mentality thinking that there aren't enough resources on earth for everyone and that there isn’t enough space online for everyone to make money.

The only thing stopping you from being able to succeed is your own brain. 


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